We are Manna

One world where businesses contribute to improving lives and a better society.

Growing together for a better future

We empower brands to grow, by connecting you with conscious consumers, through specialized content, delivered at the right time, to connect and convert.

But it does not stop there. The real growth comes from experimentation and continuous measurable improvement of all your marketing efforts.

Marketing is changing

In a time where audiences can fulfill their every need with the click of a button, people are getting much more aware. They are seeking out brands that care about the planet and about them.

Today's marketing challenge is to communicate authentic responsibility and care. That is where comes in. We have a deep understanding of the intrinsic needs of your audiences and can translate that into great user experiences online.

The competition focuses on the technology only and cares about volume and leads. Our advanced technologies empowers the work and decisions our team makes. Our team truly cares about improving the human condition, just like you do, so we go the extra mile.


Meet our Humannas

We are building an A-Team of experts who understand the tools needed to grow a business and have the right market expertise. We call ourselves Humannas. We’re only human after all. We prefer get to know you and work with you closely to solve the challenges you face.